Monday, December 15, 2008

GCC,Lex & Yacc Software

GCC - C program compiler for winows, Lex & Yacc compiler

Installation Instructions:
1. Unzip the to c:\
2. Right click on MyComputer->Properties->in Advanced tab
go to Environment Variables. In System Variables set the path
C:\GCC\BIN; and
3. Now start wrting lex and yacc programs from your won folder.

Compiling Lex Program

lex filename.l

it create a file called lexyy.c

compile and create an executable file using following command

gcc lexyy.c -o filename.exe -lfl

then filename.exe will be generated

filename input string to see output.

Lex and Yacc Resource from IBM

Need More Programs and more stuff on Compiler Design - visit

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